Services For Young Adults and Adults who were Children or Adolescents on 9/11

The World Trade Center Environmental Health Center has served children and adolescents for years. Children and adolescents who were impacted by 9/11 are now young adults and adults. These individuals continue to be served by the World Trade Center health program. If you were a child or teen who lived or went to day care or school in the area of Manhattan south of Houston or in northwest areas of Brooklyn between September 11, 2001 and July 31, 2002, you are eligible to apply to the World Trade Center health program.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the kinds of health problems that children and adolescents might have had because of 9/11?
We are still learning about the effects of the 9/11 events on children’s medical health. Medical problems that may be related to 9/11 include respiratory difficulties, sinus disease, nasal congestion, and gastrointestinal reflux. Potential WTC-related symptoms include shortness of breath, persistent coughing, wheezing, heartburn, indigestion, sinus congestion, and headaches.

Children may also have had psychological or behavioral problems related to their or their family’s 9/11 experience. These problems can be a result of their direct exposure on 9/11 or in response to a family member’s 9/11-related medical or mental health issues. Common problems include symptoms of anxiety, depression, and behavioral issues.

The WTC Environmental Health Center has locations at Bellevue Hospital, Gouverneur Healthcare Services in Lower Manhattan, and Elmhurst Hospital Center in Queens. These three sites continue to treat individuals experiencing health problems as a result of exposure to dust and smoke from the WTC attack.

Is this a research program?
The main purpose of this program is to provide health care for individuals with 9/11-related health problems. When an individual comes in for an exam, you will be given the opportunity to help us learn more about WTC-related illnesses by becoming part of research to understand 9/11 health effects. You will have the opportunity to sign a consent form to have your clinical information used for this research. Your name and personal contact information will not be used. Your decision of whether to participate in the research program will have no impact on the health care your child receives.

How do I get an appointment?
If you are new to the program call the toll free number 1-888-WTC-4748. If you are an existing patient, please call the specific clinic where you already get care. You may speak to an operator or will get connected to voicemail and will be asked to leave a message including a telephone number and the best time to contact you.

What will happen at my first appointment?
Your first appointment will last several hours and will include a full medical evaluation and examination, a medical health screening, and a variety of tests assessing for potential WTC-related symptoms. These tests may include blood work, x-rays, and breathing tests. After the initial evaluation, a multi-disciplinary treatment plan is developed to treat any WTC-related conditions. You may then need more follow-up visits to treat any 9/11-related conditions.

How much will my care cost?
Treatment and most medications for your WTC-related illness are provided at no out-of-pocket cost to you.

What if I have illnesses that are not related to 9/11?
The WTC Environmental Health Center will refer you to other clinical services for any needs not related to WTC exposure. We are committed to providing quality health care to anyone who needs it regardless of ability to pay, insurance or immigration status.

What if I do not have any current medical problems?
This is a treatment program for individuals who have active symptoms. It is not a screening or a monitoring program for individuals who have no health problems.

Where can I get more information about 9/11 health issues?
Visit the New York City Department of Health website for additional information and resources.