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Infectious Disease

Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. They can spread from person to person, through contaminated food and water, or from insects and other animals. Infectious diseases encompass a wide range of illnesses, from the common cold to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

The board-certified infectious disease specialists at NYC Health + Hospitals/South Brooklyn Health provide comprehensive diagnosis and treatment at our infectious disease clinic. We support patients with clinical infectious diseases, including HIV testing and primary care for patients living with HIV and AIDS in our immunology HIV clinic.

Our services include treatment for:

  • Hepatitis: There are several forms of hepatitis, and they all involve inflammation of the liver. Patients can become infected with hepatitis through exposure to contaminated water or food, or blood, semen, or other body fluids. Infection can be mild or severe, and symptoms include fever, extreme fatigue, nausea, and loss of appetite. Treatment is not always necessary, but it is important to be seen by a doctor to prevent more serious infections, which can become chronic. Vaccination is the best way to prevent hepatitis.
  • Infectious Diarrhea: Diarrhea is a common condition and has many causes, including viruses and bacteria. Infectious diarrhea can be the result of eating or drinking contaminated food or drink and can include symptoms of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, and watery or bloody stool. Most diarrhea resolves on its own within a few days; if it does not, a doctor can help determine if medication is needed or if there may be an underlying condition causing the infection.
  • Insect- and Tick-Borne Illnesses: Two of the most common insect- and tick-borne illnesses are Lyme disease and Zika virus. Lyme disease is caused by a tick bite from an infected tick. Symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a specific rash that is often described as a large circular rash, often near the site of the bite. Zika virus is primarily transmitted through infected mosquitos. There is some evidence of sexual transmission of the Zika virus.
  • Meningitis: Meningitis involves inflammation surrounding the brain and spinal cord. It can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Viral infections are more common in the United States and can be mild and do not always require treatment. Bacterial meningitis can quickly become serious and often requires treatment. Symptoms include sudden high fever, stiff neck, severe headache, and nausea and vomiting.
  • Mononucleosis: Often caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which is spread through saliva, including sharing food, drink, or utensils with an infected person. Many cases are mild and do not require treatment. Complications include enlargement of the spleen and potential liver issues. Common symptoms are fatigue, fever, and sore throat that doesn’t resolve with treatment.
  • Staphylococcal (Staph) Infections: Staph infections occur when staph bacteria enter the bloodstream, joints, bones, lungs, or heart. Staph can cause skin infections, Such as boils, impetigo, or cellulitis. Staph infections are a growing concern in healthcare settings, as patients undergoing surgery or other treatments are at increased risk for infection. Staph is also a common source of food poisoning. Most staph infections can be treated with antibiotics. Symptoms of infection include red, irritated, or painful skin, pus-filled blisters, fever, or if multiple members of your household have skin infections at the same time.
  • Tetanus: Tetanus is a nervous system disease, also referred to as lockjaw, often caused by bacteria that enter the body through a cut or other wound caused by an object with contaminated soil, manure, or dust.Tetanus can cause muscle contractions, particularly of jaw and neck muscles. Symptoms include painful muscle spasms and difficulty swallowing. In addition to wound care, patients with a tetanus infection may receive antibiotics and other treatments. Tetanus is highly preventable with vaccination.

Our expert team diagnoses and provides care for allergy and asthma sufferers, including skin testing. We also provide preventative planning and care for international travel that may require vaccination or other precautionary measure and post-travel treatment for infections.

Infectious Disease Clinic


  • Room 305


  • Monday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  • Tuesday 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • Wednesday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. (First and Second of the month 4 p.m. – 8 p.m.)
  • Thursday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. (First of the month 4 p.m. – 8 p.m.)
  • Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  • Saturday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. (First of the month)
  • Sunday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. (Second and Fourth of the month ONLY)

For more information about Infectious Diseases at NYC Health + Hospitals/South Brooklyn Health or to schedule an appointment, please call 1-844-692-4692.