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Adelaide M. Powers, RN

Adelaide M. Powers, RN

Staff Nurse
NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi

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Excellence in Clinical Nursing

Nurse Adelaide M. Powers says relating to patients on a personal level is what makes the nursing profession special.

“I think what makes me a good nurse – still striving for greatness – is my ability to relate to my patients and empathize with their daily struggles,” she says. “Each patient has their own wants, needs and preferences and I always try to be respectful of that and meet them where they are. My approach to patient care is to always be straightforward, honest and relatable. I try to let patients know from the first time I meet them, that we’re in this together now. They will always have an advocate who is committed to helping them achieve their healthcare goals.”

Currently working as an ACO Nurse at NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi, Powers says she was inspired to become a nurse by her mother, who immigrated to the United States and became a nurse.

“By providing person-centered care and putting patients’ needs first, I am able to foster a trusting relationship with them.”
Adelaide M. Powers, Staff Nurse

“When I was 11 years old, she finally entered nursing school; I remember helping her study for exams,” Powers recollects. “After she graduated at the top of her class, she would tell me stories about her patients and it all sounded wonderful to me – she was helping people and making a difference. What could be better than that?”      

Adopting a personal touch has been invaluable to her care for patients, Powers asserts, citing an example of a patient with bladder cancer who was suffering tremendously.

Powers recommended hospice care and visited the patient’s home. “The change in her was remarkable; for the first time in many weeks, her pain was adequately controlled,” Powers recalls.

“She was awake and sitting up in bed. We had tea and cookies. She talked about her children, and her home in Puerto Rico, and the mango tree in the front yard. She passed away three days later. At the wake, her husband hugged me tightly and thanked me for always being there for them; he said he was grateful that in the end, his beloved wife had an easy and peaceful death. Moments like that make you realize that you really can have a positive impact on people’s lives.”

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