For Adults and Senior

ShapeUp NYC – Free group fitness program offered by NYC Department of Parks & Recreation for adults and seniors throughout all five boroughs. Includes fitness classes like dance fitness, Zumba, yoga, bodyweight circuit training, etc.

Affordable recreation center/indoor pool memberships for adults age 62 or older ($25 a year for seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities):

These recreation centers are open to younger adults as well for $150. Membership is free for age 24 and younger.

For Seniors

Silver Sneakers – SilverSneakers is a fitness and wellness program offered at no additional cost to seniors 65+ on eligible Medicare plans that helps you get active, get fit, and connect with others.

New York Road Runners Striders (NYRR Striders) – Free walking and fitness program for adults age 55 and up. No insurance requirement. Schedule of classes online, at least 4 classes currently through 2 senior centers in Queens.

NYC Older Adult Centers – offer various nutrition/fitness/community programs for age 60+ adults, as well as group meals.

Elmhurst Older Adult Center
75-01 Broadway Ave, Elmhurst

Italian Senior Citizens Center
83-20 Queens Blvd, Flushing

Both the above centers offer Case Assistance, Congregate Lunch and Dinner Meals, Education and Recreation Activities, Health Promotion (Evidence and Non-Evidence Based), Nutrition Education Other services are available for older adults through NYC Department for the Aging – such as transportation, social programs, etc.